"When He had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit." John 19:30

I am often overwhelmed with guilt throughout my day. I feel guilty that I can't get all my housework done; that I don't spend enough time playing with my children; that I don't give my husband enough attention; that I want to shut myself in room and be all alone for an hour; and that I don't spend enough quiet time with God.

Now whether or not these feelings of guilt are legitimate or just the "pressure of social expectations, I have hope. Jesus declared from the cross that those who follow Him are forgiven-even for their unintentional sins. On the cross Jesus Christ took our place and bore all our despair and guilt as if it were His own. Our Savior has dealt with our guilt once and for all. There is nothing left for us to bear." (Quote taken from the Busy Mom's Bible)

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